JD Hodgson and stuart baker

elementary schools

Play, Learn, Grow

join our playground fundraiser

Round Paint Brushstroke
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“Playgrounds are where creativity meets expression, and imagination is unleashed”

Our Mission

The shared playground structures at Stuart Baker and JD Hodgson schools are in need of replacing. While they have passed safety inspections at this time, their life is limited and planning for the future is needed.

In Ontario, new playground structures come from fundraised money, which needs to include a legacy fund for future maintenance. The School Councils at JDH and SBES have come together for this project and are asking the Haliburton Community for support.

The cost of the newly designed school yard has been estimated at $300,000 (including removal of the existing structures, site preparation, installation, and purchase of inclusive and accessible equipment). This project will be done in stages over several years and early design planning and budgeting has begun. Stage one of our fundraising efforts is to raise $50,000 by September 2024. All monies raised from purchases and donations on this site will go towards the playground fundraiser.

Donate Now

All support is appreciated! If you would like to donate to the Stuart Baker and JDH playground fund,

please select a school below to be directed to the Canada Helps donation page.

Be sure to include “playground” in your donation notes.

All donations will go towards the build regardless of which school you select.

Donations made on the site (over $3) will receive a tax receipt.

Please contact the schools directly with any questions you have. Thank you!

Our Store

We will earn at least 20% on every sale made on our fundraisers below. All you need to do is purchase through these links and you are supporting our efforts!

Canadian made, plastic free, cleaning products

Custom waterproof name labels

(search “Stuart Baker Elementary” or “J. Douglas Hodgson Elementary“ before you shop)